The country's leading Ticketing Company !

Established in 1995, TicketNet is now the country's leading ticketing company, providing exclusive ticketing services for a number of leading arenas, stadiums, performing arts venues, and theaters.
Our Mission
For Clients : To provide the best systems, services, and tools for the optimal sale of tickets to the widest possible audience.
For Consumers : To provide convenient, secure, and fair access to the best possible tickets offered by our clients.
Services Offered:
1. Ticket Selling for your upcoming shows/events. Which will be sold via the following sales channel:
  1. Box Office
  2. Ticketnet Outlets (Click here for complete list of outlets)
  3. Online (Customers can avoid the long line and buy tickets at the comfort of their own home)
2. ON-SITE Ticket Selling on the day of your event. We can provide the following:
  1. Ticket Selling System
  2. Ticket Selling Hardwares (Laptop & Printer)
  3. Manpower
  4. Also available: Portable Netbooks & Scanners for Gate Entrances
3. Ticket Printing for your company's needs: e.g.
  1. Provincial Shows
  2. Corporate seminar, parties and other events
  3. School Events
  4. Movie Block Screening
4. And many more!